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Student Paper Writing

The Guidelines and Planning Sheet are to help you in preparing for the Funeral Mass of your beloved.  Once the Funeral Home has contacted the office to schedule the Mass, you may submit the sheet if they have not already helped you with it.


The following is a list of approved texts from Sacred Scripture found in the Lectionary to be used for the Funeral Mass of your beloved.  Please indicate the Scriptural reference on the Funeral Mass Planning Sheet.

Hammond Organ

The following is a selection of hymns which are appropriate for use at Catholic Funeral Liturgies.  Please refer to the Guidelines under Sacred Music which can be found with the Planning Sheet or Funeral Mass Preparation Booklet.

“We have loved them in life.  Let us never forget them...
and let us conduct them, by our prayers, into the house of the Lord.”
- St. Ambrose of Milan -

Click below to download the entire Funeral Mass Preparation Booklet

(Guidelines, Readings, Music and Worksheet)


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