We are grateful for any gift made to Saint John XXIII Parish. Your generosity ensures that the mission of growing disciples of the Lord continues in the greater West Haven area.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the parish office: (203) 934-5249
Is my information secure?
The Online Giving website provides a 128-bit secure browser connection to process your transactions and protect your information. By using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) you will be ensured that all of your information you enter is encrypted. To verify that SSL is functioning, look for the padlock or key icon on your browser.
What are the advantages of Online Giving?
It makes it easy to fulfill stewardship commitments, even when you are unable to attend church. You never have to bring cash or checks to church. Giving electronically also helps the church save money and plan its budget!
How are my contributions automatically deducted from my account?
Once you create your account, the contribution amount you specify will automatically be transferred from your bank account to the church's bank account.
When will my contribution be deducted from my account?
Your electronic contribution will be debited on the date you specify.
If I do not write checks, how do I keep my checkbook balance straight?
Since your contribution is made at a pre-established time, you simply record it in your check register on the appropriate date. Electronic contributions are recorded for you on your bank statement as well as your online reports.
Without a canceled check, how can I prove I made my contribution?
Your bank statement provides an itemized list of electronic transactions as well as your online reports.
Can I put different amounts in offerings and have all of them withdrawn at different times?
You can set up to contribute to different offerings at different times; However, you will have to do each one separately. You will receive a receipt for each one.
What if I change bank accounts?
Simply login and update your account information.
What if I try Online Giving and don't like it?
You can cancel your authorization by deleting your credit card and/or bank account information along with your donation dates.
Thank you for considering a contribution to the 2021 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Your support will assist the Archdiocese of Hartford to continue its mission of service.
To conveniently make a donation or pledge to the Appeal, you are invited to use the secure online form below using your credit (MC, Visa, Discover or American Express) or debit (MC, Visa) card.
Please note that our online form is completely secure and that the information you provide will not be distributed or sold to any other party for any reason. If you prefer not to use our secure online contribution form, please feel free to donate by mail.
Remember Saint John XXIII Parish in your will or when making a gift in honor or in memory of a loved one.